
Managed Document Review Services based in New York

Serving Clients Domestically and Internationally

As our clients’ trusted and valued choice for managed document review services in the US, and worldwide, Hamilton Clarke, LLP understands that modern litigation requires modern strategy. This is why we offer our clients quality, cost-effective, and tailored services so they can access crucial data and information for any active or potential litigation. Our Managed Review professionals have more than 15 years of combined experience helping our diverse clientele complete efficient and invaluable document reviews.

Contact us online or call today at (646) 603-0522 to discuss what our experience and strategy can do for you.

What Is Managed Document Review and How Can it Help You?

Managed Document Review is part of a larger process within eDiscovery and the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM), which involves collecting, analyzing, and utilizing various forms of data in active litigation or investigations or to prepare for possible litigation. Some of the types of data eDiscovery looks to structure, organize, and deliver include text messages, emails, posts on social media, chats, messaging, phone apps, documents from word processors, and beyond. In an ever-changing, fast-paced world where technology is part of nearly all facets of life, it is no surprise that eDiscovery has become an integral component in all kinds of business inquiries and requirements.

Managed Document Review is central to eDiscovery because it is the process through which an individual can gain access to the data they might need. Considering the sheer volume of data these reviews typically include, the process is often highly technical, time-consuming, and costly. All these factors underscore the importance of having effective strategies and protocols in place for the managed document review team to review documents efficiently and provide data sets for counsel’s review and production requirements.

Who Is Involved in Managed Document Reviews?

When you partner with us for your managed document review, you will work closely with our partner Rani Gill, who has years of experience helping clients navigate their eDiscovery and Managed Review needs. Additionally, during the review, we will collaborate with all stakeholders to streamline the process, acting as liaisons that make your needs the review team’s priority and allow your team to focus on other important business matters.

Advanced Managed Document Review Technology 

The review team can work closely with the technology vendor to ensure the data has been assessed and processed in multiple ways to yield the least number of documents for review without sacrificing important data sets.

Using various methodologies of Technology Assisted Review (TAR), the team can help support reduction in review volume:

  • Search Terms: Apply approved search terms within the data population to help cull the overall review population without sacrificing potentially relevant documents
  • Date Filters: Although ‘simple’, ensure that the approved timeframe has been applied across the collected data to further cull the review population
  • Email Threading: Inspect emails to identify the most inclusive chain to the review, while excluding those that are less inclusive
  • De-Duplication: Remove any duplicates from the data population
  • Machine Learning: Employ CAL (continuous active learning), which is a type of machine learning where the database learns to identify potentially relevant documents. The technology vendor can then intentionally organize data for review from most relevant to least
  • BrainSpace: Use the tool BrainSpace (often times it is integrated into Relativity) to help organize and visualize data categories

Our Managed Document Review Process

At Hamilton Clarke, LLP, we conduct managed document reviews meticulously, intentionally, and with attention to our clients’ many goals and concerns.

Before the review, we will do the following five things:

  1. Help you put a strategy in place to set the process up for success.
  2. Provide counsel and support for establishing guidelines and protocol for the review.
  3. Offer an upfront estimate for the service’s cost.
  4. Use a thorough vetting process to select and assign appropriate review staff.
  5. Communicate with the technology vendor to customize the review workspace coding tree, ensuring that documents are identified as needed, i.e., tags for relevance, privilege, confidentiality, key, specific issue codes, etc.

After we complete this preliminary stage, we will oversee the managed document review. As our client, we take care of the entire process’s logistics and quality control for you, while keeping you in the know about its progress and addressing concerns you might have throughout.

Some of the tasks we handle specifically include:

  • Conducting daily meetings with the review team
  • Engaging in rigorous quality control to ensure the review is secure and effective
  • Addressing questions both clients and the review team might have
  • Maintaining a continuous flow of documents through the various levels of review that ultimately end up as useable information for our clients
  • Providing consistent feedback and guidance to the review team and our clients
  • Tracking and running performance metrics to ensure productivity and quality are not comprised during the review process

As part of the process, our review team typically accesses and works through an exceptionally high volume of data. As a result, we are sure to communicate your needs to the team so that they use the most appropriate and productive methods for identifying the most useful pieces of information.

Cost-Effective Managed Document Review Solutions

Mining, sorting, and delivering data through a managed document review is a costly process. In fact, it typically accounts for the majority of the cost of litigation. At Hamilton Clarke, LLP, we recognize that while this service frequently comes with a heavy price, when executed with the right people and resources, the results are invaluable, and we take every opportunity to capitalize on cost avoidance where appropriate.

That is why we try to make our clients’ reviews as cost-effective as possible by:

  • Efficiency: Utilizing established and repeatable processes that we can scale and otherwise tailor to our clients’ needs
  • Transparency: Being transparent from the start about how much we believe the review will cost, as well as providing updates as needed throughout the review
  • Integration: Collaborating with our clients and technology vendors to maximize the efficiency of the data culling

Contact Hamilton Clarke, LLP for Your Managed Document Review Needs

Call us today at (646) 603-0522 or contact us online to schedule a consultation to get started with your managed document review.